top five ways to find the piano teacher


So your child (or you) wants to take piano lessons. How do you go about finding the best teacher.

Here are the TOP FIVE ways that will ensure your success in locating the best piano teacher.

  1. ASK a familiar musician, perhaps your church pianist or choir director, or your school’s music teacher
  2. FIND a CERTIFIED MUSIC TEACHER ASSOCIATION: these associations have high standards, most have degrees, host regular recitals & contests

3. INTERVIEW Potential Teachers; student-teacher chemistry is important to develop a long-term learning path. Ask questions like: What do you like best about teaching (specify age) piano students? What are your requirements for practice, for an in-home piano What do you like best about working with young students? What days and times are available?

4. YOUR LOCAL MUSIC STOREHouston Piano Company has a staff of degreed teachers, serving all ages and abilities.

5. DO YOU REALLY WANT TO DRIVE DURING “PIANO LESSON HOURS?” These days, commuting in Houston is quite challenging, especially during the 4-7 PM hours. Finding teachers come to the home, eliminate the need to chauffeur students through rush hour traffic.


Call Lauren at (832) 713-9372 for available times and teachers.

Yes, it’s truly important to find THE BEST teacher for your child. Give them that opportunity with these TOP FIVE WAYS. Find just the right teacher! HAPPY LESSONS!