Harry S. Truman
Truman was the 33rd President of the United States of America; he played the piano.
Measured by the time and effort expended, the most important activity in his life was the piano. […] He began going twice weekly to Kansas City for lessons with Mrs. E. C. White, a gifted piano teacher… […] She opened a new world for him and his response was to work with exceptional determination, practicing two hours a day without fail, beginning at five o’clock every morning.
David McCullough in the Biography Truman2
When he became a man, music remained his first passion after politics, and he often said that if he had been a good pianist he never would have become President. ‘I missed being a musician,’ he said, ‘and the real and only reason I missed being one is because I wasn’t good enough.’
Harry Truman The Piano Player from TrumanLibrary.Org 3