Store Hours:  Mon – Sat 10AM-6PM  •  Sunday 1PM-5PM
1600 W. 13th St  •  Houston, TX 77008

The reputation that Steck built for his pianos has stood the test of time. Known for the precision of instrumentation and high-quality sound, George Steck pianos have often been endorsed by the world’s most renowned pianists and remain a valuable instrument when restored accurately.


It was Steck’s patent for the Independent Iron Frame that increased the durability of the piano and kept it into longer, “defying cosmetic changes”, acquiring yet another nickname.

Original Piano Maker(s)
George Steck (1829 – 1897)


Date Established


Original Location(s)
New York City


Notable Dates

  • 1860 — Company renamed from Steck & Grupe to George Steck & Company.

  • 1865 — Awarded Gold Medal for Square Piano National Exhibition of the American Institute in New York.

  • 1865 — Steck Hall opened.

  • 1871 — Steck Hall relocated to a larger venue, and atop the hall their main headquarters.

  • 1873 — Awarded First Prize at the Vienna Exposition.

  • 1884 — Incorporated and awarded profit-sharing.

  • 1887 — Steck retired and was succeeded by George Nembach.

Steck was one of those restless natures who are never satisfied with the best of their work. As a scale drawer he had no superior. Because of the exceptional solidity of the Steck piano, it has been chosen for years by many schools and colleges all through the United States, and has become known as the ‘school piano.’


– Alfred Dolge from Pianos and Their Makers… 


Innovation(s) / Patent(s)

  • 1865 — Patent awarded for Bell-Metal Plate
  • 1870 — Patent awarded for the Independent Iron Frame

Current Owner(s)

Manufactured for North America by Nanjing Moutrie Piano Company in Nanjing, China, and distributed by Welkin Sound Inc. in Ontario, California.

For prices on any of our George Steck Pianos,
visit our store or call us today!